Team science is imperative for addressing intractable problems in biomedical and healthcare research. This award was established in 2019 to acknowledge the valuable and significant contributions made by an exemplary interdisciplinary team conducting biomedical or health care research to address significant health challenges.
Nominations can be from research teams engaged in any part of the research continuum. Teams involving community-based investigators are encouraged to apply.
Requirements | Submission | Review and Selection
Requirements for Nomination
- Nominees: For the purpose of this award, a team is comprised of a limited number of independent researchers (minimum 3 key team members) providing complementary interdisciplinary expertise to the undertaken research. The research should reflect work toward a specific scientific goal that otherwise would not be realized by individual team member efforts.
- Team self-nomination is allowable, or the team can be nominated by peers.
- An academic unit or center is not eligible for this award.
- We strongly encourage nominations from teams comprised of faculty from multiple colleges and schools from across the entire University system.
- Nomination Letter: The letter should detail the team’s origin and accomplishments, including how each key researcher contributed to the research being recognized. The team should have a sustained history of research success. The letter should also describe how the key members have demonstrated evidence of shared leadership roles. This document should not exceed three pages.
- Publications: The nomination should include a list of up to 10 significant co-authored publications specifically produced by the team. This list should not be a compilation of publications by an individual team member.
- Grants: The nomination should include a list of grants specifically awarded to the team. This list should not be a compilation of the grants awarded to each key team member (no page limit).
- Vitae: Complete vitae of each team member.
Additional material
- Photo of Team: If possible, include a photo of the nominated team at time of submission (JPEG format). (If nominated team is selected for the award, this photo will be used for the wall plaque etching.)
Submission Process
- Combine into a single PDF with materials in the following order:
- Nomination letter
- Additional nomination information (publications/grants)
- Team members’ CVs
- Nominators should submit the final PDF along with the nominee’s JPEG photo via Google form by Monday, October 14 at 12:00 p.m. Questions regarding the submission process can be sent to [email protected].
Review and Selection
A panel of reviewers will be formed to evaluate and rank the nominations.
An in person ceremony will be held late next spring. Final details regarding the event will be announced as soon as they are available.
For general questions, contact Bobbi Daniels, Associate Vice President for Clinical Affairs, Office of Academic Clinical Affairs ([email protected]) or Carolyn Porta, Associate Vice President for Clinical Affairs, Office of Academic Clinical Affairs ([email protected])