Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Nomination Requirements

The Academy for Excellence in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning recognizes faculty who have demonstrated exceptional scholarly contributions to advance learning in their schools and across academic programs in the University of Minnesota. Although designing and delivering educational content is a common element of most applicants' portfolios, excellence in teaching is not sufficient for this award.

Nominations are encouraged from all schools and colleges engaged in health-related education.

Requirements | Submission | Review and Selection

Summary of Nomination Requirements

Nominees will be evaluated based on their scholarship of teaching and learning. This involves an investigation and analysis of the current knowledge and practice of teaching and learning with the goals of improving the ways that we teach and learn and disseminating this work in peer-reviewed venues such as publications and presentations.

Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominee: Any full time University faculty member engaged in health science related education is eligible to be nominated.
  2. Nominator: The nominator must be a current University faculty member or faculty emeritus. Self-nominations are not permitted. Nominators must submit the completed nomination packet that includes the letter of nomination, the nominee's CV and educator portfolio (described below), and external letters of support.
  3. Nomination letter: The nominator’s letter should summarize the nominee’s contributions and accomplishments in the scholarship of teaching and learning, as well as describe the impact of these efforts on health related learners and educational programs. This letter should not exceed three pages.
  4. Curriculum vitae: Complete curriculum vita.
  5. Educator’s portfolio: The nominator should assist the nominee in the preparation of a 2-3 page educator’s portfolio to document contributions to the scholarship of teaching and learning. Once completed, the portfolio should be sent to external peers along with the request for letters of support (described below). Components of the educator’s portfolio should include:
    • Personal philosophy of teaching/education
    • Topic(s) of inquiry in their scholarship of teaching and learning and methods used to explore topic(s)
    • Impact of their scholarship of teaching and learning
  6. Scholarship and research: Up to three papers published by the nominee(s) related to the scholarship of teaching and learning should be included in the nomination materials. For ease in review, please create a separate PDF document of the publications and include with nomination packet.
  7. External letters of support: The nominator will secure a maximum of two supporting letters from peers or experts in teaching/learning external to the University of Minnesota. Based upon the review of the educator’s portfolio, the letters should include a statement about the impact that the nominee's work has had on students, peers, higher education generally and/or on their discipline.

Additional material

  1. Photo of Nominee:  Include a photo of the nominee at time of submission (JPEG format).  (If a nominee is selected for the award, this photo will be used for the wall plaque etching.)

Submission Process

  1. Combine the described materials into a single PDF in the following order:
    • Nominator’s letter
    • Nominee’s CV
    • Educator’s portfolio
    • Two external supporting letters
  2. Please create a separate PDF file with publications.
  3. Nominators should submit the final PDF along with the nominee’s JPEG photo via Google form by Monday, October 14 at 12:00 p.m.  Questions regarding the submission process can be sent to [email protected].

Review and Selection

The current members of the Academy for Excellence in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, members of the Health Science Associate Deans of Education and Allied Health Program Directors, or external reviewers recommended by the Associate Deans and Program Directors will serve as the review committee and will review and evaluate materials for each nominee. Based upon this review, the Vice Provost for Academic Health Sciences will forward the recommendations to the Provost, who will have final authority on election of new members.

An in person ceremony will be held late next spring. Final details regarding the event will be announced as soon as they are available.

For general questions, contact Brian Sick, Vice Provost for Academic Health Sciences ([email protected]).