Clinical Practice Nomination Requirements

The Academy for Excellence in Clinical Practice serves as the highest recognition of excellence in the practice or provision of clinical care by a full time faculty member. Those selected will have demonstrated their ability to deliver the highest level of clinical care, and/or developed and implemented an important innovation for clinical care delivery with proven efficacy using appropriate metrics as further defined by their college or school. All members of the Academy will also have demonstrated the highest level of ethics and professionalism during their career.

Note that “clinical” encompasses a broad scope of clinical practice, including in laboratory practice, patient care, community-based health care settings, and public health settings.

Requirements | Submission | Review and Selection

Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominee: Must be a current full-time member of the faculty. Faculty at all ranks are eligible.
  2. Nominator: Must be a current member of the faculty or faculty emeritus. Self-nominations are not permitted. Nominators are responsible for submitting the completed nomination packet.
  3. Letter from nominator: Should summarize how the nominee’s practice of clinical health care is amongst the best of all faculty within the nominee’s college or school. The nominator should cite appropriate metrics and outcomes to demonstrate the outstanding nature of the nominee’s clinical practice. Each college or school may provide additional guidance as to which metrics are most relevant and reliable. Nominees who have implemented a clinical health care innovation are encouraged; description of the innovation should include documentation of measurable improvements in health. This document should not exceed three pages.
  4. Vita: Complete vita.

Additional Material

  1. Photo of Nominee:  Include a photo of the nominee at time of submission (JPEG format).  (If nominee is selected for the award, this photo will be used for the wall plaque etching.)

Submission Process

  1. Combine into a single PDF with materials in the following order:
    1. Nomination letter
    2. Nominee’s CV
  2. Nominators should submit the final PDF along with the nominee’s JPEG photo via Google form by Monday, October 14 at 12:00 p.m.  Questions regarding the submission process can be sent to [email protected]. .

Review and Selection

Reviewers will evaluate and rank the nominations and discipline-specific (i.e., school-specific) input may be sought. That may include additional input beyond the content of the nomination letter.

An in person ceremony will be held late next spring. Final details regarding the event will be announced as soon as they are available.

For general questions, contact Bobbi Daniels, Associate Vice President for Clinical Affairs, Office of Academic Clinical Affairs ([email protected]).